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Storytelling, Action & Advocacy

Odindi Youth Action Village in partnership with Healthy Together West Willow and The New West Willow Neighborhood Association came together to bring a group of elders and youth to discuss creating a stronger West Willow. We use storytelling as a tool to bridge the generational gap to create a space of reciprocity of knowledge and history.

Youth & Elder Summer Camp

Odindi Youth Action Village in partnership with West Willow Neighborhood Association, Healthy Together West Willow, and  Community Leadership, and Revolution Academy has developed a camp located at the West Willow Park, aimed at promoting health, wellness, community cohesion, and intergenerational collective work.


Odindi Freedom School

Our Freedom School provides an opportunity to learn beyond the classroom. The Freedom school embraces a rich blend of academic support and community engagement, featuring guidance from elders within our community. These respected elders will share their wisdom and life experiences, creating a vibrant, intergenerational space where youth can thrive academically and personally.

Sankofa Leadership

Building off of our Freedom School and Storytelling, Action & Advocacy programs, we understand the importance of being grounded in history and efforts done in the past, while simultaneously embracing non-traditional approaches on taking on issues. While youth within our Sankofa Leadership program will discuss, strategize and mobilize around issues that matter to them, they will also be reminded to go back and get (Sankofa) the wisdom of the elders that have came before them to aid in their decision making. 
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© Odindi Youth Action Village 501c3

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